Gousto App Ordering Journey

Gousto is an online food service that supplies subscribers with recipe kit boxes which include ready-measured, fresh ingredients and easy to follow recipes.

Target and Challenge

Gousto customers that have an active subscription and those who have the subscription on hold.

The challenge of this project was to improve the way users interact with the app when choosing recipes and providing address and delivery time information, enabling them once the order has been placed to keep track of the delivery state, removing the confusion and usability issues generated by the previous solution.

Problems solved

Less steps, clear UI and smooth interactions.

Sign-up flow

User is able to checkout in four easy steps. Filling in the postcode, this will check if delivery is available in that area, choosing the recipes, selecting address, time slot and placing the order.

Subscribed user flow

Starting point for existing customers is the dashboard. By clicking on the open order, user will choose the recipes and place the order.

Design Subscribed User

From Dashboard to Checkout.

Splash screen


Review details

Choose recipes

Place the order

Confirmation screen

Order details

Design Sign-up

From Get started to Checkout.

Splash screen

Signup / log-in

Check available delivery

Review details

Change date and time

Choose recipes

Recipe details

Order summary

Swap recipe

Delivery address

Personal details

Payment info

Outcomes and achievements

By standardising the section elements and creating visual patterns easy to recognise and to interact with, the newly designed ordering journey, after only four weeks of being live, saw a significant increase of customers ordering from Gousto improving the conversion rate exponentially.